
The wind orchestra of variable stars

The soundfont is a file format and technology used in digital music production to store samples of sounds along with instructions on how those sounds should be played back. For instance, it is employed by software applications like MuseScore as a sound library for compositions, arrangements, and recordings.

The following soundfont was generated using the software application Polyphone together with the sound samples of a variety of sonified light curves representing different types of stellar variability.

Type of variable star Name in soundfont Range Sound resemblance Instrument affinity
Classical Cepheid (δ Cephei type) Cepheid A0–C4 Woodwind Bassoon, contrabassoon
Eclipsing binary of Algol / β Persei type Ecl. bin. Algol A0–A5 Brass Horn, trombone, tuba
Eclipsing binary of β Lyrae type Ecl. bin. beta Lyr D3–D6 Woodwind Clarinet, bassoon
Eclipsing binary of W Ursae Majoris type Ecl. bin. W Uma C4–A6 Woodwind Flute
Exoplanetary transit by a planet orbiting a star Exoplanet transit A0–E5 Brass Trumpet, trombone, tuba
Mira (ο Ceti type) Mira A0–C3 Woodwind Contrabassoon
Rotating star with spots Rotating star C3–C8 Woodwind Piccolo, flute, clarinet
RR Lyrae star in fundamental pulsation mode RR Lyr fundamental C4–C6 Woodwind Clarinet
RR Lyrae star in first overtone pulsation mode RR Lyr overtone A4–A6 Woodwind Flute
Gravitational microlensing event Microlensing C2–C4 Percussion Timpani, snare drum
Supernova Supernova Unpitched (C2–C3) Percussion Bass drum

The soundfont maps typical or potential period ranges of these variable star types to note ranges across each instrument. The middle do note (C4) corresponds to a period of approximately one day.

Because of the similar waveforms, the note range of a classical Cepheid can be complemented by that of an RR Lyrae star in its fundamental pulsation mode, and vice versa. Similarly, the note range of an exoplanet transit can be extended by that of an eclipsing binary of Algol / β Persei type.

This soundfont is free to download, share, adapt, and use under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International:
   (version 1.0; the file size is about 32 MB).

The soundfont is also available for download from the soundfont library on the Polyphone website.

A demonstration of this soundfont is presented in the Recordings page.

Published: August 18, 2024 | Last Updated: November 2, 2024 | Resources licensed under CC BY 4.0