External website links will automatically open in a new tab or window. If you come across a website that is no longer active, we would greatly appreciate your notification via the contact form.
- Atmosphere Data Store (Copernicus)
- Climate Change Knowledge Portal (World Bank Group)
- Climate Data Store (Copernicus)
- Compilation of categorised Geographic Information System (Robin Wilson)
- Energy and Clean Air (Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air)
- Greenhouse gas emissions tracking (Climate TRACE)
- Harmonized World Soil Database (UN Food and Agriculture Organization)
- Multi-topic data products (World Resources Institute)
- National Centers for Environmental Information (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; NOAA)
- Observational datasets (Climate Reanalyzer, University of Maine)
- Planetary Computer (Microsoft)
- Plastic pollution and marine litter (UN Environment Programme)
- Satellite data (Committee on Earth Observation Satellites)
- World ocean data (HUB Ocean)
- Carl Sagan testifying before Congress in 1985 on climate change (YouTube)
- Climate Action Tracker updates (Climate Analytics & NewClimate Institute)
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and its Interactive Atlas
- IPCC Explainer (Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit):
- Climate Portal (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Climate Science, Risk & Solutions (Kerry Emanuel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Earth Temperature Timeline (xkcd)
- Global Temperature Report for 2023 (Berkeley Earth)
- Ice cores and climate change (Thomas Bauska, British Antarctic Survey)
- Monthly temperature anomalies by country (Veronika Samborska, Our World in Data)
- On the causal structure between CO2 and global temperature (Adolf Stips et al., Nature)
- Paris Agreement 2015 (Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit)
- State of the Global Climate (World Meteorological Organization)
- Tipping points (Robert McSweeney, Carbon Brief) and a documentary (Climate Extremes)
- Understanding (almost) everything about the climate (BonPote, Anne Brès, Claire Marc)
- Debunking climate change misinformation (Skeptical Science)
- Global coalition of climate and anti-disinformation organisations (Climate action against disinformation)
- In-depth analysis of climate change denial voices — in Italian but with automated translation (Climalteranti)
- Psychology of climate change denial (Wikipedia)
- Carbon footprint (Wikipedia)
- Calculate your emissions (myclimate) and tips to reduce them (GreenCitizen)
- Footprint per country (Global Footprint Network)
- MyCO2 (Carbone 4)
- Your climate footprint in English, French, Spanish (Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l’Energie – ADEME)
- CLIMADA, Economics of Climate Adaptation (ETH Zurich)
- Climate change (Copernicus)
- Climate change (NASA)
- Climate impact explorer (Climate Analytics)
- En-ROADS climate solutions simulator (Climate Interactive)
- Free Geographic Information System (GIS) software
- FalconView (Georgia Tech Research Institute)
- Geographic Data Analysis (GeoDa; University of Chicago)
- Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS GIS; Open Source Geospatial Foundation)
- Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL; Open Source Geospatial Foundation)
- Google Earth Pro (Google Earth)
- Integrated Land and Water Information System (ILWIS; University of Twente)
- MapWindow (Daniel P. Ames)
- Open Java Unified Mapping Platform (OpenJUMP)
- OpenClimateGIS (U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit)
- Quantum GIS (QGIS; Free Software Foundation)
- Sistema de Información Geográfica de Código Libre (gvSIG; gvSIG Association)
- System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses (SAGA GIS; SAGA User Group Asssociation)
- User-friendly desktop internet-oriented GIS-ready Java application (uDig; Refractions Research)
- Net Zero Tracker (Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit, Data-Driven EnviroLab, NewClimate Institute, Oxford Net Zero)
- Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
- U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit (U.S. federal government)
- Weather and Climate Toolkit (NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information)
- World environment situation room (UN Environment Programme)
- Ecosystem approach for disaster risk (UN Environment Programme)
- Essential climate variables (World Meteorological Organization; Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission; UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; UN Environment Programme; International Council for Science)
- European marine observation and data network (European Commission)
- Geospatial information — click on HOME and select project (OpenStreetMap; MapX; UN Environment Programme/GRID-Geneva)
- MyOcean (Mercator Ocean International; Copernicus; UN Environment Programme)
- Ocean+ Habitats (UN Environment Programme)
- Ozone layer protection (UN Environment Programme)
- Plastic pollution and marine litter (UN Environment Programme)
- Real-time air pollution exposure (UN Environment Programme)
Published: October 4, 2024 | Last Updated: November 3, 2024